Here at BioGrad Human rights are one of the core principles of the business. As a company we aim to create a safe and comfortable working environment for all of our employees which in turn helps our clients. Here are some of the main components of our working practices we adhere to

Human Rights Policies
BioGrad as a Company is committed to the improvement and achievement of human rights everywhere we operate. We respect our role in society and strive to operate in a way that creates an overall positive impact.
We have and continue to develop comprehensive policies, principles, and processes to help ensure human and business rights are respected and promoted, and work to identify and address any gaps at every point of our business and along our supply chain and ensuring that we comply with the Modern Slavery Act 2015.
The Human Rights Policy is overseen by The Board of Directors, including the Chief Executive Officer Dr Natalie Kenny.
Internal and external consultation identified these 8 salient human rights issues associated with the company’s activities and business relationships:
• Safety and health of all workers, security, right to life
• Equality non-discrimination and related issues/risks
• Child labour
• Forced migrant labour/forced labour of seasonal workers
• Freedom of association
• Working hours
• Healthy lifestyles
• Product safety/quality
Safe & Healthy Workplace
Our employees’ safety and well-being are of the upmost concern to us. Our policy is to provide a safe and healthy workplace while adhering to all applicable safety and health laws, regulations, and internal standards. In collaboration with our employees, we seek to create and maintain a safe, healthy, and productive workplace by addressing and resolving identified risks of accidents, injury, and health consequences.
Due to internal and external dangers, we are dedicated to ensuring a workplace free of violence, harassment, intimidation, and other harmful or disruptive situations. Employee security safeguards are supplied when needed and are maintained with respect for the privacy and dignity of employees. We raise wages competitively in comparison to the industry and local labour market, as well as in accordance with existing collective bargaining agreements. We work hard to guarantee that all wage, workhour, overtime, and benefit laws are followed
Diversity & Inclusion
We respect and promote the diversity and inclusion of those with whom we collaborate. Equal opportunity is important to us, and we will not tolerate discrimination or harassment. We endeavour to ensure that workplaces are free of discrimination or harassment based on race, sex, colour, national or social origin, ethnicity, religion, age, handicap, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, political opinion, or any other protected status under applicable law. Qualifications, performance, skills, and experience serve as the foundation for recruitment, hiring, placement, development, training, remuneration, and advancement at the Company. Disrespectful or inappropriate behaviour, unjust treatment, or retaliation of any form are not tolerated. Harassment in the workplace and in any work-related situation outside of the office is not tolerated.
Child/Forced Labour & Human Trafficking
Individuals under the age of 18 are not permitted to be hired for positions that entail hazardous employment.
All types of forced labour, including prison labour, indentured labour, bonded labour, military labour, modern forms of slavery, and human trafficking, are prohibited.
Working hours/ Healthy Lifestyles
All employees are entitled to all wage, workhour, overtime, and benefit laws.
Freedom of Association & Collective Bargaining
We respect our employees’ right to join, form or not to join a labour union without fear of reprisal, intimidation or harassment.
Supplier Guiding Principles
We insist all of our suppliers follow the principles set out here
Vetting & Auditing
Our terms of business when purchasing ‘goods for resale’ from our suppliers contain clauses to ensure our suppliers comply with their obligations under the Modern Slavery Act 2015 Act, as well as any other modern slavery legislation which may be in place in their jurisdiction.
We have external auditors to carry out physical inspections and audits of the premises operated by our suppliers. These audits assess: the due diligence of supply chains / legal compliance with Human Rights and Business Legislation /labour rights / Ethical Procedures and responsible supply chain sourcing etc.